Have you ever held onto something—or someone—who was never meant to stay?
Maybe you’ve been in a relationship where you gave everything, but it felt like you were talking to a brick wall. No matter how much you tried, the other person just couldn’t or wouldn’t love, respect, or invest in you the way you needed.
Yet, you stayed. You convinced yourself that one day, things would change. One day, they’d wake up and realize your worth.
But here’s the hard truth: some people aren’t built to love you the way you need to be loved.
In No More Wilsons, we learned how toxic soul ties keep us in relationships that God never intended for us. And if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve all had a Wilson at some point in our lives.
Who (or What) is a Wilson?
If you’ve ever seen the movie Cast Away, you might remember Wilson, the volleyball Tom Hanks’ character gets emotionally attached to while stranded on an island. As time passes, Wilson becomes his best friend, his comfort, his connection—even though it was never real.
Many of us have emotional relationships with people who are empty, incapable of reciprocation, or spiritually draining. We talk to them, hold onto them, and invest in them, only to be left disappointed.
“Some of you are dating Wilsons. Some of you are sleeping with Wilsons. And you wonder why Wilson doesn’t have the capacity to meet your needs.”
It’s time to stop clinging to Wilsons.
How do you know if you’re holding onto a Wilson in your life? Here are some clear red flags:
1️⃣ You keep making excuses for them.
“They’re just going through a tough time.”
“They’ll change eventually.”
“I know they aren’t treating me right, but deep down, I know they care.”
The reality? If someone wants to love, respect, and commit to you, they will. Love is an action, not a promise.
2️⃣ You feel distant from God since they came into your life.
Ever noticed how some relationships bring you closer to God, while others pull you away? If you’ve been skipping church, neglecting your prayer life, or feeling spiritually empty since they arrived, that’s a sign.
3️⃣ You’re always the one making sacrifices.
If you’re the one putting in all the effort…
If they’re always taking, but never giving…
If the relationship feels one-sided…
💡 That’s a Wilson.
4️⃣ Your friends and family have warned you.
“Something seems off about them.”
“Are you sure they’re the one?”
“I just don’t feel like they’re right for you.”
Sometimes, the people who love you see what you refuse to acknowledge.
5️⃣ You feel stuck, restless, or spiritually drained.
The right person will bring peace, clarity, and alignment. The wrong person will bring chaos, confusion, and compromise.
“If I have to keep you, you were never mine to keep.”
Breaking Free from Wilsons
If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to let go. Here’s how:
1. Recognize the truth
Sometimes, it’s not about letting go—it’s about acknowledging it’s already over.
Ask yourself:
✔️ Is this relationship bringing me closer to God?
✔️ Do I feel valued, loved, and at peace?
✔️ Have I been ignoring the warning signs?
If the answers don’t align with God’s Word, you already know what needs to be done.
2. Repent and seek God’s guidance
It’s easy to justify staying in a relationship, but deep down, we know when we’re going against God’s will.
"You cannot enter into a God-ordained future with a Satan-ordained relationship.”
Pray and ask God for the strength to leave what is draining you.
3. Delete, block, and distance yourself
You can’t heal in the same place that broke you.
You can’t move on while still entertaining text messages, late-night calls, or “check-ins.”
Set firm boundaries. Letting go means removing access.
4. Ask God to restore you
Healing after toxic relationships takes time, prayer, and intentionality. Ask God to:
Restore your self-worth
Strengthen your discernment
Fill your life with healthy relationships
Final Takeaway: Make Room for What God Has for You
The longer you hold onto Wilson, the longer you delay your blessings.
💡 You cannot receive God’s best while still holding onto counterfeits.
“Wilson has one value—to be kicked to the curb!”
Join Us for the Full Series!
If you’re ready to transform your relationships and deepen your understanding of God’s plan, stay tuned for the next few weeks, continuing March 2nd at 11:15am, of The Elephant in the Bedroom: ELLIE – An Expose. You’ll gain practical wisdom, biblical truths, and new perspectives on everything from overcoming trauma to building strong, God-centered relationships.
Are You Ready to Let Go?
If this message spoke to you, drop a ‘🔥’ in the comments and declare: “No more Wilsons!”