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Holding Hands



Stonepoint Community Church, Incorporated of Arizona (hereafter known as “CHURCH”) has established a Benevolence Fund to be used to assist church members who are in dire financial need. For the Stonepoint Family, we affirm that our charge is to provide a holistic ministry, which from time to time may involve using church funds to help a member in need. In an attempt to remove any subjectivity from the process of determining “valid” need, we have prepared the following guidelines. Please review the following guidelines and feel free to contact the Church's Administrative Office should you have any questions.


For those who do not meet the following guidelines, you can download our Community Resource Guide for more resources for financial assistance.

A. Benevolence Fund Purpose

The fund is to enable the church to provide financial aid to individuals who are in need on an urgent basis. The fund may not be applicable to all urgent cases, especially for those who have “other” financial options. The church has the right to disapprove the requester’s request and may consider providing help other than monetary support. The fund will assist with the necessities of life including, but not limited to rent, mortgage, utilities, etc.


B. Eligibility Criterion

All applicants must be a member of Stonepoint Community Church for at least six months prior to submitting an application; attend worship services on a regular basis; and support the church financially through regularly giving - tithes and offering.


Any request over a hundred dollars has to meet the below requirements.

Any request under one hundred dollars will be handled on a case by case approval.


C. Application Process

The actual application can be picked up from the Church's Administrative Secretary before and after normal service times. The application can also be downloaded from the church’s website at A member may apply for church financial aide no more than three (3) times in one calendar year period, unless he or she has already been awarded help. In those cases, the member can no longer submit an application in that calendar year. Most importantly, a member can only be helped once in any calendar year and the maximum financial award is five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year.

Once an application has been submitted, the church's advisory committee will review and decide upon that application within a maximum period of two weeks or ten business days. It is possible that the panel may require additional information in order to make a fair decision. In such cases, the applicant may be asked to come in for an interview prior to a final decision. In ALL cases, the applicant will be required to submit proof of need (e.g., eviction notice, turn off notice, etc.).

Once the review panel has made a decision, he/she will be notified of the panel’s decision by email and/or letter. Phone calls will not be used to approve or disapprove the request, as the church requires that it have written proof of its decision and notification to the applicant.

D. Actual Payee If Approved

Should the application be approved, the CHURCH will prepare a CHURCH check payable to the third party agency to which the applicant owes funds. The applicant should be aware that the CHURCH is much less likely to approve any request in which the payee is not to be a third party (e.g., utility company, landlord, or government agency). In ALL cases, the CHURCH reserves the right to award an amount less than the amount requested.

E. Availability of CHURCH Funds

All applicants are considered on a first come, first served basis and as funds are available. The CHURCH is under no obligation to spend these funds in their totality every year, but if these funds are exhausted the CHURCH will not provide any additional funds no matter how valid the need may be.

F. Hold Harmless/Liability Release Clause

The CHURCH, its Pastor, Officers, Agents, Employees and Members are hereby released, forever discharged, and held harmless from any and all liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred while the applicant’s request is being reviewed, approved, and/or denied. Furthermore, requester hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify said CHURCH, its Pastor, Officers, Agents, Employees and Members for any financial liability sustained by said acts of the aforementioned CHURCH parties.

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